
Monday Moment

We'll see if I can write about something every Monday.  It may be a good tradition or something I fail at even before it becomes a habit.  Oh well, here goes nothing. 
Today was the first day of school, well for Spring semester anyways.  I think I'm happy with my classes I'm taking, but I won't know for sure until I actually go to all my classes.  My classes are as follows:
  1. Abnormal Behavior
  2. Sensation and Perception
  4. Ethnic Minority Families
  5. Social and Personality Development
  6. ZUMBA (It won't start until the second half of the semester)
  7. Doctrine and Covenants sections 77-138
In the summer I took a class and there was this really weird guy in there who would always look at me strangely.  About 6 times a class period.  I smiled at him, nothing.  I glared, no result again.  I looked at him with a blank face, nothing worked to make him even say a word or stop looking.  I was kind of creeped out but it wasn't a big deal.  The class was ending soon anyways. 
Then last semester he was in my research methods class.  My friend always sat by me, and the looks escalated to about 12 looks and then decreased to maybe 4 times within one week time frame.  Then he stopped completely.
Unfortunately, he is in my Sensation and Perception class this semester.  I about died when I saw him looking at me.  Again.  And again for the fifth time in about ten minutes.  I'm going to have to try and get there earlier so I can sit in front of the Creeper.  As I was telling my friend that the Creeper was in my class, he laughed of course, but he also told me to be careful because he may be a murderer.  I laughed at first but then realized I am so skeptical and possibly naive about how scary people can be.  I highly doubt the Creeper is a murderer, or even crazy. But it's true, you can never be too cautious and it's okay to have your guard up with complete strangers.

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